What is listening art?
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When does listening become an artistic act? (in English)
In its more than 15 years of existence, aifoon has built up a lot of knowledge and insights on sound and listening. We are happy to share them with you in this Wikifoon, our knowledge base.
The Wikifoon is a work-in-progress and is continuously updated. At the moment, the texts are mainly in Dutch.
When does listening become an artistic act? (in English)
A video and text by Flanders Arts Institute on the history and players of Flemish sound art. (in English)
A spontaneous application to become a city composer (in Dutch)
How can you describe sounds with words? Check out the results of our participatory research. (in Dutch)
A group of artists was stimulated by the diverse ways of listening. So they decided to compile a list of possible listening postures. (in English)
What did the past sound like? Which sounds have or will disappear? And how can we preserve them? (in Dutch)
Take someone out for a walk blindfolded and let them experience the city in a different way. (in Dutch)
Relax and let your listening be stretched by a beauty of sounds... (in Dutch)
A listening exercise to explore the different dimensions of listening. (in English)
Can we design cities to be pleasant to our ears? An interview with sound professor Marcel Cobussen. (in Dutch)
An article by MIT Technology Review on the importance of sound in a city. (in English)
Fascinating TED talk by sound expert Julian Treasure with 5 exercises to listen more consciously. (in English)
40 questions that open up your way of listening, formulated by the founder of deep listening. (in English)
Poor acoustics negatively affect children's concentration, and cause voice problems for teachers. (in Dutch)
DIY home expeditions full of listening exercises. (in English)
A toolbox of audio clips and accompanying listening questions. (in English)
By what theories are aifoon's methods inspired? (in Dutch)
Roadmap for teachers, tutors or workshop facilitators (in Dutch)
Field recording is not just about recording sounds, but also what you do with them. (in Dutch)
Guide a group to make their own recordings and use them to create their own soundscape or soundscape. (in Dutch)
"I expected it to be super quiet, but nothing could be further from the truth." (in Dutch)
Participation is a necessity to get to the artistic core of aifoon. We therefore apply participation multi-layered and deepening throughout our operation. (in Dutch)
Adding extra sound to make an auditory environment more pleasant - how does it work? (in Dutch)
Hoe ontwikkelen we een stedenbouw die rekening houdt met het auditieve? Luisteren naar de stad met verscherpte aandacht, dialoog en een verbreding van de auditieve geletterdheid.
aifoon onderzoekt het luisteren in de stad en daarbuiten. Om ons onderzoek breder te kaderen, maakten we een podcast.
Hoe aifoon al vijftien jaar luisteren verheft tot (een) kunst. Een interview van Evelyne Coussens met Stijn Dickel.
Deze map biedt suggesties voor activiteiten in de klas vóór- of nadat
jullie naar de voorstelling Murmur komen kijken.