Take a seat, lie down, open your ears and experience a journey of sounds.
Three performers accompany you with live bruitage and sonorization, in short: they are your guides on this challenging sound journey. After an ocean of white noise, trains shoot out of their starting blocks, a cloud of birds disappears behind the sun and unfamiliar landscapes appear from rattling suitcases.
Fondouk is a wordless listening performance that stimulates imagination, poetry on the canvas of silence. After this experience, our daily soundscape will never be what it seems!
"Rain, fireworks, church bells and children's voices seep in your ears but also colours, images and smells." The tent has something of a second skin that makes the vibrations feel close to the darkness. (...) Fondouk: to listen differently leads to a different look " (De Standaard, 18/02/2015)

Fondouk is a prodcution of aifoon and Krokusfestival
concept & director: Stijn Dickel / sound: Jürgen De Blonde, Kurt Vandendriessche & Stijn Dickel / dramaturgy: Gerhard Verfaillie / light: Kurt Vandendriessche / in collaboration with Kopergietery and Cultuurcentrum Hasselt